Monday, September 20, 2010

Latest Random Act Of Kindness

Just wanted to share a little article that I just came across that was baout a Random Act of Kindness in Macomb.

The following is a little excerpts from the article.

  1. "One act of kindness goes a long way. We've all seen those commercials when one person does something nice to another person, and then that person does something nice to another person, and so on? That's how I'm trying to live, just like the movie "Pay It Forward," when the little boy wanted to spread the kindness around just by little acts that would help someone else out and hopefully help someone else in the end."

    All I can say is that I really love the author attitude!

    The authors random act of kindness was simple and easy to do.

  2. "As I looked over all the awesome things, I noticed there was an elderly woman in a wheelchair who had one of the ghosts stuck over her shoulder. Being the model citizen that I am, I helped her get it off her shoulder. She kindly thanked me and went on her way. "

You can read the article in its entireity HERE

Have you done a random act of kindness that you would like to share? Just leave a comment and I will gladually post it!


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